SORONG - Four members of the Indonesian Army were found dead as a result of being attacked by a group of unknown people (OTK) at the Kisor Posramil, South Aifat District, Maybrat Regency, West Papua, Thursday at 03.00 WIT.

The four members of the Indonesian Army who were found dead were Serda Amrosius, Praka Dirham, Pratu Zul Ansari, and First Lieutenant Chb Dirman. The four soldiers of the Indonesian Army were attacked while sleeping at the Kisor Posramil. The three members of the Indonesian Army, each Serda Amrosius, Praka Dirham, and Private Zul Ansari were found dead in the Posramil.

Meanwhile, First Lieutenant Chb Dirman, Commander of Posramil Kisor, was found dead in the bushes not far from the post.

Based on the information received, there is still one member of the Indonesian Army, Pratu Ikbal, who is still missing and has not been found.

Head of Information for Kodam XVIII/Kasuari Lieutenant Colonel Arm Hendra Pesireron who was contacted confirmed the incident and was in the process of being evacuated.

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