BANDUNG - The Gasibu and GOR areas as well as Taman Saparua Bandung, West Java, have been reopened for sports activities with a number of conditions that must be carried out by residents.

Head of the General Bureau of the West Java Provincial Secretariat, Sumasna, said that according to the instructions of the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, and with the Bandung Mayor's Regulation Number 83 of 2021, the two sports venues were re-opened with a number of restrictions.

"We have received instructions from the West Java Governor, to analyze the opening of two more facilities, Saparua and Gasibu. Now, we will continue to test it starting today, Wednesday, September 1, 2021," said Sumasna, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 1.

Based on the Bandung City Perwal guidelines Number 83 of 2021, the maximum capacity of this sports venue is 50 percent so that each facility is visited by a maximum of 150 people at one time.

"Residents or visitors must use the PeduliLindung application, we will continue to prepare an application to monitor the number on site, because the 50 percent limit, hopefully we can still secure it, and when you enter there is a QR Code, visitors must scan," he said.

He said that visitors must also prepare an ID card with a cellphone to scan the code when entering and leaving the facility.

"As for the capacity of the Gasibu Field, it's 400 meters, right, if the distance per person is on average 5 meters, we'll get around 150 people. But we still have to evaluate whether it's reasonable in that figure or what," he said.

As an initial stage, at the GOR and Saparua Park, a maximum of 150 visitors are applied at a time, although there are various other facilities such as rock climbing and roller skating.

He said that when doing activities in Gasibu and Saparua, people must maintain health protocols, including wearing masks.

It's just that if you are doing sports or strenuous physical activities such as running, the mask can be opened for a moment but still must maintain a distance.

"For certain activities, masks can be opened, but they can't be permanent. So open and close like that. Because friends who run, it's a bit difficult if you run with masks, but if you walk we have to wear them, and everyone must keep their distance," he said. .

Sumasna said he had coordinated with the Satpol PP and the Bandung City and West Java Province Transportation Offices to maintain order and progress in the area.

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