JAKARTA - Semarang Mayor Hendrar Prihadi said it was possible for cinemas in the capital city of Central Java to reopen following the decline in PPKM status from level 3 to 2. Antara, Tuesday, August 31. According to him, to this day there is no manager who will reopen the cinema with various considerations.

He said there were a number of adjustments made in line with the decline in the PPKM level. The easing made, he said, included changes in the operating hours of street vendors and other business places which were previously a maximum of 20.00 WIB to 21.00 WIB. In addition, he continued, the number of visitors also increased to 75 percent of capacity. Semarang City Government, he continued, also opened the possibility of holding a car free day (CFD). "CFD is possible because public facilities can also be reopened," he said. He confirmed that strict restrictions would be imposed if the activity was held again.

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