JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, gave notes regarding the handling of COVID-19 in Bali. Forkopimda was asked to continue to strengthen the COVID-19 control strategy.

"With maintained public health, economic growth in Bali will also grow", said Sigit when giving a briefing, Sunday, August 29.

Although so far the strategy has been quite good, as evidenced by Bali's economic growth of 2.83 percent, Sigit asked to continue to improve.

Thus, the Indonesian economy will continue to improve and public health will remain guaranteed.

"The COVID-19 control strategy is divided into three. Namely, strict health protocols (prokes) by implementing 3M (wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance). Then, strengthening 3T (Tracing, Testing, and Treatment). And lastly, program acceleration mass vaccination", said Sigit.

Then, Sigit also asked Forkopimda to maximize the isolation policy. In this way, it is believed to be able to reduce mobility which affects the spread of COVID-19.

"Intensifying inter-provincial partitions through air transportation entrances, isolation at I Ngurah Rai Airport. Through sea transportation entrances, blocking at Ketapang-Gilimanuk Port and Lembar-Padangbai Port. Inter-district/city blocking through checkpoints between districts/cities, terminals, and toll gates", said Sigit

Although currently, Domestic or Domestic Travel has received concessions, they must still meet the requirements set out in the Minister of Home Affairs Number 35 of 2021.

The requirements include showing a vaccine card with a minimum of the first dose, showing a negative result for the H-1 antigen. Then, specifically for travel by airplane mode of transportation, it must show a negative H-2 PCR result.

"Strict sanctions will be given to officers who do not carry out proper inspections in the implementation of the partition", said Sigit.

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