JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has officially established the National Food Agency (BPN). Later, this agency will deal with food problems in Indonesia. The formation of the BPN is stated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 66 of 2021 concerning the National Food Agency.

In response to this, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Peasant Union (SPI) Henry Saragih considered that BPN has a formidable challenge in being able to consolidate and direct agricultural development policies and food business affairs at the provincial and regional levels.

Even so, Henry still appreciates the efforts made by President Jokowi. He said the presence of BPN is one of the ways the government has chosen to achieve national food sovereignty.

"How can national policies be implemented to the regional level. Also, how are specifics of food and agriculture issues also accommodated in national policies, considering that we are an archipelagic country as well as an agrarian," he said in an official statement, Saturday, August 28.

According to Henry, it is right that BPN is under the direct supervision of the President. He assessed that the function of this agency was also to regulate and direct food policy, procurement of food production, and distribution. Both for the sake of economic stabilization, and providing special food for people who deserve food assistance.

So, said Henry, BPN has a very central role in regulating regulations, policies, regarding food. "With this BPN, we hope that misinformation and misinformation issues can be resolved until the gap between ministries and agencies in food matters can be resolved," he explained.

Not only that, according to Henry, specifically BPN is also to overcome food problems faced in certain areas and certain communities. Such as designing which areas can be declared as food-sovereign areas.

SPI also hopes that BPN is led by people who understand and comprehend food policies from the regional to international levels, can cooperate with various ministries, and of course, can communicate regularly with President Jokowi. The government is also asked to build communication and cooperate with farmer organizations in policymaking.

"It must be led by people who have a long vision who can pass it on to the policy level. If the issue of enforcing food sovereignty is carried out, this government will be able to overcome many problems in this country, starting from unemployment, poverty, equitable rural development, and guaranteeing a generation of Indonesians who are healthy, sufficient food and adequate nutrition," he said.

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