JAKARTA - The former deputy chairman of the Ummat Party, Agung Mozin, admitted that he had wanted to resign from the party created by Amien Rais. He admitted that he refrained from leaving the Ummat Party because he did not want to interfere with the process at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"Actually, I resigned long before the agenda for the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights, but if I declared my resignation before the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights was issued, frankly it would disrupt the process of the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights, so I waited and postponed it until the right time", said Agung during an interview with VOI via zoom, Friday, August 27th.

After the Ummat Party received the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Agung continued, he then sent a letter of resignation.

"As soon as I was sure that at an event we were informed by our chairman that the Ummat Party, God willing, will become a legal entity and it has been signed, once it is confirmed that it is a legal entity, I will automatically send my resignation letter. This is a common thing, no need to exaggerate", he explained.

Agung admitted that his resignation was not sudden. Because, for a long time, he felt uncomfortable with the party he was leading, waiting for Amien Rais, Ridho Rahmadi. One of them is the absence of deliberation within parties based on Islam.

"A few months ago, after I felt something that was not right for me, each person has a measure of subjectivity that will affect relationships or interactions within a party. After I felt something that was not right for me, of course, I did not suddenly declare myself to back but the momentum is right after we become a legal entity", he said.

Agung admitted that he was worried that the Ummat Party would falter and become volatile if the resignation was carried out before the Minister of Law and Human Rights Decree. This is because many regions have joined the Ummat Party then he invited them.

"Because I imagine, I'm not 'GR' maybe other regions that I invite to join will do the same thing. And this will make the party bad, sorry for the friends who have been fighting for the Ummah Party. Now, when my legal entity has resigned, I don't want to be separated at a crossroads", he explained.

However, Agung did not want to specify which areas wanted to follow in his footsteps and leave the Ummah Party.

"I don't know, I don't want to claim what their feelings are like. I really don't know what happened to them, this is my choice. The problem is they don't participate, they are not the ones who can be dragged away or influenced easily, but what they feel I don't know", he said.

"I don't do surveys of people. My typical is what I feel. If my side shows my side. How can I side with Amien Rais, I just put my body up. When I don't, I take an extreme attitude", said Agung.

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