MAGELANG - The City Government of Magelang, Central Java, sent a letter to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to resolve the dispute over the land of the Magelang Mayor's office with the TNI.

"We want this polemic to be resolved quickly. We have gone to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, the Minister of Home Affairs, and are now sending a letter to the president asking for a resolution, because it has taken too long," said Mayor of Magelang, Dr Muchamad Nur Aziz, quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 26.

The office of the Mayor of Magelang on Jalan Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, Magelang, has a TNI symbol or logo installed by the TNI Academy.

Nur Aziz said that the land of the Magelang City Government has been a polemic since 2012 and negotiations have taken place several times but have not found a solution. Previously, a solution was almost reached with the transfer of grants, but it had not been completed.

Nur Aziz said that the last negotiation was on August 18, 2021, facilitated by the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, attended by, among others, the Danjen of the TNI Academy and from the Ministry of Finance.

"There was an interesting discussion and there were some bright spots, because the offices in this city government were not only built by the TNI, there were several offices built by the Magelang City Government and it was basically in 2001 that they were recorded in assets," he said.

The Mayor of Magelang said that written evidence was indeed on the TNI Headquarters, but it was impossible for the city government to use this office for 36 years without any basis.

"In principle we will solve it, hopefully within the year our government can resolve this problem well. I believe the leadership before us has also tried and hopefully this era of our leadership can be completed," he said.

Nur Aziz said that with the installation of the TNI logo, his party did not feel disturbed, only felt funny.

"This is indeed a polemic, the TNI's assets are clear because the certificate belongs to the Ministry of Defense but to resolve it, the Central Government must involve the Central Government," he said.

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