SUBANG – After examining a number of witnesses, the police received strong evidence to find the perpetrators of the murder of mother and child in Subang, Tuti Suhartini (55) and Mustika Ratu (23), who were found dead in a luxury car.

To reporters, the Subang Police Chief, AKBP Sumarni, said that there were currently two suspects. This is believed to be due to the discovery of two different footprints.

“From the footprints there are two different footprints. It is suspected that there was more than one perpetrator," said Sumarni to reporters, Tuesday, August 24.

However, to this day, his party is still waiting for the results of the forensic laboratory (Labfor) to confirm the facts. Sumarni has not confirmed who the perpetrator is, she only gives a signal that the perpetrator and the victim are very close and even know the situation of the victim's house.

“The process is still waiting for the results from the labfor (Forensic Laboratory). But there are already bright spots suspected of the perpetrators," he continued.

Meanwhile, Subang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Zulkarnaen has not yet detailed the names of the perpetrators who have been in his pocket. According to him it is still too early to reveal now.

"Not yet." Zulkarnaen briefly told VOI, Wednesday, August 25.

Previously, it was mentioned that the two alleged perpetrators were none other than people who knew the victim quite closely. The perpetrator is also said to have visited the victim's residence several times.

"The results of the crime scene as well as the statements of witnesses, it is suspected that the perpetrator knew the victim and already knew the situation in the house," he explained.

Sumarni also said that this allegation was strengthened by the absence of damage to access to and from the victim's house.

Tuti Suhartini and Amalia Mustika Ratu became victims of murder. The bodies of the two were found by Yosef, the victim's father and husband, in an Alphard car parked at his house on Jalan Cagak, Subang Regency, West Java, on Wednesday morning, August 18.

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