JAKARTA - The Nemangkawi Task Force stated that the perpetrators of the shooting of two PT Indo Papua employees were the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) allegedly led by Tendius Gwijangge. The perpetrators are currently being hunted.

"It is suspected that the perpetrator of the massacre was the Yahukimo Region KKB led by Tendius Gwijangge," said Head of the Nemangkawi Public Relations Task Force, Kombes Ahmad Mustofa Kamal in his statement, Monday, August 23.

The hunt for the shooters was carried out by combing Kribun Village, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, Papua. It was the location where the two victims were shot.

In addition, Kamal also asked the community to help. You do this by reporting if you see or know of the existence of the KKB led by Tendius Gwijangge.

"The authorities will not remain silent and will investigate thoroughly according to the legal procedure for the perpetrators of the massacre of PT Indopapua workers. People who have information about the Yahukimo Regional KKB led by Tendius Gwijangge so as not to hesitate to report to the nearest police force," said Kamal.

An armed criminal group (KKB) shot dead two workers in Kribun Village, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, Papua. The shooting took place on Sunday afternoon at around 16.30 WIT.

The two victims who died were Rionaldo Raturoma and Dedi Imam Pamuji. The victim is an employee of PT Indo Papua who is building a bridge on the Brazza river. The location of the incident is about 10 KM from the camp belonging to PT Indo Papua.

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