INDRAMAYU - The Indramayu Police Satreskrim arrested RI (25) while hiding in a boarding house in Pasirsari Village, South Cikarang, Bekasi Regency. The young man from Cikedung, Indramayu Regency, was arrested on suspicion of spreading vaccine-related hoaxes on Instagram.

Indramayu Police Chief Grand Commissioner Adjutant M Lukman Syarif through the Indramayu Police Criminal Investigation Unit Commissioner Adjutant Luthfi Olot Gigantara said the perpetrator spread vaccine hoaxes through his Instagram account, @ravie_isnandar.

Police Chief said that the Indramayu Police Satreskrim personnel were conducting cyber patrols, Tuesday, August 10, 2021, at around 11.30 western Indonesia time.

During the cyber patrol, Kasat continued, he saw the Instagram account @inderamayuterkini who posted Wow...INDERAMAYU BECOME LEVEL 3. Inderamayu Regent Hj. Nina Agustina advised the people of Inderamayu to maintain health protocols and comply with the rules. Those who haven't been vaccinated immediately get vaccinated...@ninagustina1708@luckyhakimofficial.

In the post, still said Police Chief, there was a comment reported by the reporter using the @ravie_isnandar account that wrote: "WHAT VACCINE? MINISTRY OF HEALTH ALONE DOES NOT REQUIRE VACCINES? VACCINE HAS NO USE, IT MAKES PEOPLE SUFFER BECAUSE OF STATE OFFICER DRAMA".

"The reported post is considered to be a post that contains false news or notifications that cause public commotion," said Police Chief to VOI, Sunday, August 22.

After conducting an investigation, the Indramayu Police Crime Investigation Unit pursued and arrested RI. The teenager was taken to the Indramayu Police Headquarters for questioning regarding the motive for spreading the hoax.

"The person concerned posted the post because he felt disappointed with the government that implemented PPKM, the article was that with the implementation of PPKM by the government, he could not be free to do his daily activities," he said.

For his actions, RI was charged with Article 14 paragraph (1) and/or Article 15 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Law Regulations with a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

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