JAKARTA - Former Bolivian President Jeanine Anez made a suicide attempt by slashing her arm on Saturday, August 21 last. This was conveyed by lawyer Norka Cuellar to local media.

Police considered the incident as an attempted suicide. "This is a cry for help from the former president. She feels very harassed," the lawyer told reporters.

"Doctors came and found her with several cuts. She had three cuts on her left wrist, so they stitched up the wound," Cuellar continued.

Early 2021 Anez was arrested on charges of involvement in a coup to overthrow longtime ruler, former President Evo Morales, in 2019.

Anez denied the accusations and admitted that she was just a victim of political atrocities. She is now spending her time behind bars awaiting trial.

Interior Minister Eduardo del Castillo confirmed on Saturday that Anez had attempted to injure herself but was now in stable condition.

"What happened is defined as an attempted suicide," Douglas Uzquiano, head of the national police's special anti-crime unit (FELCC), told local TV.

Anez was taken from prison to hospital on Wednesday for the third time in two weeks. Doctors said she had a thoracic examination and had hypertension.

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