BANDUNG - West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil said collaboration was an important factor in accelerating COVID-19 vaccination. The goal is that group immunity can be formed by the end of 2021.

"The ability of our health infrastructure is only 60 percent, so 40 percent of it I ask all parties to intervene to defend the country to help with vaccinations, the place can be anywhere," said Ridwan Kamil after visiting the Ganesha Vaccination Center at Sabuga Building, Bandung City, quoted by Antara, Friday, August 20.

Kang Emil targets communal immunity or herd immunity to be formed by the end of 2021.

This target, according to him, can be achieved if all parties work together, such as the ITB Alumni Association which holds a vaccination center with a target of 50 thousand people a week.

In addition, in the last few weeks, a number of institutions in West Java have held vaccination centers and mass vaccination activities.

"Let's finish helping the people until December 2021, so that in January 2022 there should be no emergency, herd immunity has been formed, we just have to adapt to new habits, all schools are opened, tourism, the economy and others," said Kang Emil.

According to Kang Emil, his party hopes that the central government will guarantee the supply of COVID-19 vaccine for West Java because to pursue herd immunity, vaccination must be carried out for 37 million West Java residents.

"West Java is the province with the greatest risk because it has the largest population, we still continue to ask the central government to add West Java vaccines according to the proportion," he said.

In total, until December 2021, West Java requires at least 75 million doses of vaccine because the injection is done twice. If calculated per month, West Java must prepare 15 million doses of vaccine which must be supplied by the central government.

"75 million doses of vaccine are needed until December 2021, or 15 million doses per month or 400-500 thousand vaccinations per day," he said.

To speed up vaccination, Kang Emil will apply the 3 in 1 concept for vaccinating children aged 12-17 years.

This means that one child can bring both parents who will be vaccinated at the same time. The implementation of the vaccination will be focused on schools.

"We will push the age of 12-17 at school with the 3 in 1 concept, one child brings two parents, including for pregnant women, we arrange a more comfortable place," said Kang Emil.

Kang Emil ensured, if according to plan, 400,000 doses per day of vaccination in West Java would occur on August 28, 2021. "Later on August 28, 2021, according to our theory, 400,000 doses per day will break a record on that date," he said.

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