JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police investigators continue to investigate the fraud case with the reported party David Kurnia Albert Dorfel alias David Noah. The investigators scheduled the examination of witnesses from the bank.
"Today, we have scheduled interview invitations to several witnesses from the bank, hopefully they will come, we haven't checked," said the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Yusri Yunus, to reporters, Thursday, August 19.
Then, the next plan of investigators will be to examine the three reported, including David Noah. The inquest took place on August 20.
"After that, the plan is tomorrow on the 20th at around 10 am we have invited interviews for the three people reported here, the first is DK's own brother, then YS's brother and EAS's brother, so we have invited three people to be interviewed," said Yusri.
After the examination is completed, Yusri continued, investigators will conduct a case title. The goal is to determine the status of the case to be investigated or not.
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"Later slowly while seeing how the construction of the case is, later when everything is complete, we will then hold a case to be able to determine whether this is still under investigation or can be raised to the level of investigation if it has fulfilled the elements of suspicion in articles 372 and 378 of the Criminal Code," he said. Yusri.
David Kurnia Albert Dorfel alias David Noah was reported to Polda Metro Jaya for alleged fraud of Rp1.15 billion on Thursday, August 5. The scam is a fraudulent check. The reporter in this case is named Lina Yunita.
The report is registered with the number LP/B/3761/VII/2021/SPKT Polda Metro Jaya. In this case, David is suspected of violating Articles 372 and 378 of the Criminal Code.
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