JAKARTA – A mural that looks like President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) '404: Not Found' has been widely discussed on social media. Until now, the Tangerang City police are looking for a face mural maker similar to Jokowi under the flyover of Jalan Pembangunan I, Batu Ceper, Tangerang, Banten.

Taking a closer look at what '404: Not Found' means and what it has to do with the face of the number one person in Indonesia, telematics expert Roy Suryo explained about the code.

"It's amazing that the mural which looks like "President", even though there is no name, even an initial one, only a computer code, scientifically researched "Face Comparation" with original photos, it turns out that the results are all below 70%," explained Roy Suryo to VOI, Sunday 15 August.

According to Roy, the issue of the '404: Not Found' mural will not also be found in the law regarding violations of state symbols.

"It's the same as being searched for in the Law regarding the "State Emblem" as well as "404: Not Found", said Roy Suryo.

The former Minister of Youth and Sports explained the term 404: Not Found, which originated from Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN).

It is known that CERN is a European organization used to conduct nuclear research. According to Roy Suryo, at CERN there used to be Room 404. But in fact this room never existed, and was even linked to an airplane.

So then a myth arises if a file is not found after searching continuously, it will be written as 404: File Not Found.

"The term "404" is trending because there are only murals that are said to be similar to "state symbols" (even though they were searched for in the law, they also "couldn't find" people's faces, aka "404: Not Found" too)," he said. again. "Now it's a blunder," he continued.

Many have asked what '404: Not Found' has to do with a mural of a face that looks like President Jokowi, which made the painter chased by the police.

“That's why I call this a blunder, because in the law it will definitely be "404: Not Found" if you want to look for the relationship between faces that are similar to the state symbol. Moreover, the face is below 70% resemblance." Roy concluded.

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