JAKARTA - GRA Agung Putri Suniwati or Menur, daughter of King Mangkunegara IX made various efforts to be able to attend the funeral of her beloved father. If there are no obstacles, her father will be buried on Sunday, August 15 at the Astana Girilayu Cemetery, Girilayu Village, Matesih District, Karanganyar, Central Java.

The state of the COVID-19 pandemic has made everything very limited, as well as for travel. Menur tried her best so that she could attend the funeral of her beloved father. This was the last time she saw her father's body before it was buried and merged with the earth.

At first, she said she could not come to Solo because she had not been vaccinated and had to take care of her young child. However, when confirmed by VOI, she finally said she could after the vaccination was completed. "Vaccination is a condition of flight, so after that is done then I can go to Solo," she said.

The deceased breathed his last on Friday, August 13 in the morning. Before his death, Mangkunegara IX was reported to have suffered from illness. Menur said that her father had complained of pain in the left chest and was taken to the Pertamina Central Hospital (RSPP) Jakarta.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mangkunegara IX had lived in Jakarta until the end of his life. And when he was in Jakarta, his condition was already old. "He is already old and his physical condition is not like that of a young person. He is more than 70 years old," said Joko Pramudyo, Public Relations Staff of Pura Mangkunegaran Surakarta on a separate occasion. Watch the full video.

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