MEDAN - A porn video allegedly committed by 2 high school students in Sibolga City, North Sumatra has been circulating on social media.

The Department of Education (Disdik) then conducted a search. Head of the Sibolga-Tapteng Education Office Branch, Rustam Efendi when confirmed, said his party had checked the video and the student's status.

As a result, Rustam said, his party found the video was done by students who had been expelled from school.

"It has been checked. The students have dropped out," said Rustam, confirmed by VOI, Saturday, August 14.

He explained that the unclothed student in the video used to be from a high school in Sibolga. However, Rustam did not know when the student was expelled from the school before the incident of the circulation of the nasty video.

"I don't know, earlier I confirmed to the head of the school (the principal) only by telephone," he said.

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