BATAM - Shopping centers in Batam City, Riau Islands, have begun to be crowded with residents, after about a month being closed under the PPKM level 4 policy.
On the first weekend of the implementation of PPKM level 3, shops in malls were already open. Residents also seemed to visit favorite outlets, Saturday, August 14.
"There is a need that has been postponed since the beginning of PPKM level 4, so it's here," said Batam resident Susy as quoted by Antara.
He admitted that he was actually still reluctant to visit crowded places, worried about being exposed to the Coronavirus. However, because of the urgent need, he decided to go shopping.
"Because during PPKM level 4, only essential shops were open such as logistical needs. I need sports equipment to stay fit at home. And now it's just opened," he said.
Still in the same shopping center, Batam resident Yuyun stated that she deliberately went to the mall to freshen up.
"Who knows there is a discount and a good one," he said.
He said he was not so worried about being exposed to the coronavirus because he had received the vaccine.
"As long as you continue to follow the health protocols, I feel safe," he said.
Meanwhile, the health protocol at Grand Batam Mall is relatively good. Before entering the building, visitors are required to check body temperature and clean their hands using hand sanitizer.
All visitors and sellers appear to be wearing masks, a minimum of one layer. Based on observations, only a few use a double mouth and nose cover.
There are also guards on standby admonishing visitors and sellers to wear masks and keep their distance.
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