Greysia Polii and Apriyani Rahayu at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (Source: Antara)
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan immortalized the names Greysia Polii and Apriyani Rahayu as the name of one of the buildings at the Ragunan Student Sports Training Center (PPOP).
This was done as a form of appreciation for their victory at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. "This is a form of our appreciation, we feel proud, we all feel proud," said Anies to reporters, Saturday, August 14.
With the name of the women's doubles badminton pair, the training ground is currently named Gedung Sasana Emas Greysia/Apriyani. One of the goals of perpetuating the name of the women's doubles pair is so that the younger generation is encouraged. Thus, Indonesia will continue to excel.
Award for Apriyani Rahayu (Source: Special)Award for Greysia Polii (Source: Courtesy)
"We want this award to give motivation across generations. To make people see it, I want to be like them (Greysia and Apriyani)," said Anies.
"With this name, it can be an inspiration for all," continued Anies.
In addition to pinning the names of Greysia and Apriyani into the name of one of the buildings, Anies also gave gifts to them. Rp800 million in cash and a house worth Rp3.3 billion were also given to Greysia and Apriyani.
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