KENDARI - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction of the Kendari City DPRD, Southeast Sulawesi, is ready to cut monthly salaries according to the call of the Central Executive Board (DPP) to help people affected by COVID-19.

Member of the PKS faction of the DPRD Kendari Subhan, said that cutting salaries in helping the community has become a natural thing. Moreover, to help ease the economic burden of residents during difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We must obey and be ready to carry out the instructions of the DPP. In our hearts, the members of the PKS legislature and party officials, this is part of our joint commitment that we are ready to serve the people," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, August 13.

The chairman of the Kendari DPRD added that the salaries of the members of the PKS faction that will be cut according to DPP instructions are salaries for the August period.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the PKS Southeast Sulawesi Regional Leadership Council (DPW) Yaudu Salam Ajo said that the call for salary cuts for all legislative members was not only aimed at Kendari City, but throughout Indonesia.

"The DPP requires all members of the DPR RI as well as regencies/cities and provinces to put in any amount of funds for the benefit of the people affected by COVID-19," said Yaudu.

The former member of the Southeast Sulawesi DPRD said that the call for salary cuts was made to help the community, especially now that there is an implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) at levels 1, 2, 3, and 4.

However, he said that discussions would still be held regarding how much of the salaries of legislative members will be cut later.

"We will consolidate the DPP's instructions to all members of the PKS legislature, including having discussions with friends in the DPRD how much they can afford to cut," he said.

A total of 30 PKS Southeast Sulawesi cadres occupied legislative seats with details of four provincial DPRD and 26 cadres spread over 17 regencies/cities DPRDs.

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