JAKARTA - Ash rain occurred in parts of Magelang Regency, Central Java, after hot clouds fell from Mount Merapi on Thursday, August 12 in the morning. As reported by Antara, Head of the Magelang Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency, Edi Wasono in Magelang, Thursday, said the ash rain thin occurred in five sub-districts, namely Dukun, Srumbung, Salam, Muntilan, and Mungkid. Hot clouds from Mount Merapi on August 12, 2021 at 01.53 WIB were recorded on a seismogram with an amplitude of 57 mm and a duration of 232 seconds. The glide distance is 3,000 meters to the southwest.

Edi said that at least seven villages/kelurahan were affected by the ash rain, namely Dukun Subdistrict in Krinjing Village, Srumbung Subdistrict in Srumbung Village and Pucanganom Village, Salam Subdistrict in Gulon Village.

Then in Muntilan Subdistrict in Gunungpring Village and Mungkid Subdistrict in Sawitandan Village Mendut Village. According to him, with the occurrence of light ash rain, community activities are still being monitored safely and undisturbed. Mount Merapi is still within the recommended potential hazard area, which is three kilometers from the peak in the Kali Woro channel, and five kilometers from the summit for the Kali Gendol, Kuning, Boyong, Bedog, Krasak, Bebeng, and Putih streams. Mount Merapi is currently still high. Explosive eruptions are still likely to occur with the threat of danger in the form of volcanic material ejection within a radius of three kilometers from the peak of Merapi. The community is advised not to carry out any activities in the designated hazard areas.

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