JAKARTA - The police have named a health worker (nakes) with the initials EO as a suspect in the case of injecting empty vaccines at a school in the Pluit area, North Jakarta.

This case also caught the public's attention because it went viral on social media.

"Successful in securing the initials of EO's sister, as the health worker who gave the injection as shown in the viral video," said Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Yusri Yunus, to reporters, Tuesday, August 10.

Based on the provisional examination, EO is a health worker who was asked to become a vaccinator. So that denied the news that said the vaccination process was carried out by people who were not professionals.

"This EO sister is a nurse who was asked for help," said Yusri.

"This EO is also classified as an injection or vaccinator," continued Yusri.

Meanwhile, in that case, investigators also confiscated several medical devices to be used as evidence. For example, syringes and vials.

Then, the issue of the motive is still being investigated. This is because investigators are still seeking information from the EO.

With the appointment as a suspect, EO is suspected of under Article 14 of Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases.

Meanwhile, news of the empty vaccination injection was uploaded by the Twitter account owner @irwan2yah in the form of a video. The account said the incident took place at the IPK Pluit Timur School on Friday 6 August.

Initially the health worker rubbed an alcohol swab on the man's left arm. The officer then injected the vaccine into the man, but there was no vaccine in the injection.

The incident occurred at the vaccination center at the Pluit IPK School, North Jakarta, on Friday, August 6 at noon. The officer had been protested until finally the resident was re-injected with the vaccine.

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