JAKARTA - The chairman of the PKS faction of the DKI DPRD, Mohammad Arifin, is reported to have died today. This was confirmed by a member of the PKS faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Abdul Aziz.

Aziz said Arifin died from cancer. He died at the Purwakarta Holistic Hospital, West Java at 03.00 WIB.

"Yes (Arifin died), because of cancer," said Aziz when confirmed, Tuesday, August 10.

Aziz said that Arifin had been hospitalized for a long time due to his illness. "Since last Ramadan, he has been treated at the Purwakarta Holistic Hospital," he said.

He said, PKS has also held an online takziyah starting at 07.00 WIB. Then, Arifin was buried at Budi Dharma Cemetery, Cilincing, North Jakarta. Arifin's body will be taken from Purwakarta at around 07.00 WIB and taken to the funeral home on Jalan Murtado, Tugu Permai Complex B2/12, North Tugu, Koja, North Jakarta.

"After praying, they will be immediately taken to the Budi Dharma Cilincing cemetery," he said.

It is known, apart from Arifin, several members of the DKI DPRD have died, including PKS Faction Member Dany Anwar who died of illness on August 3, 2020 and PKS Faction Member Umi Kulsum due to illness on August 29, 2020.

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