MEDAN - The Medan City Government (Pemko) continues to make various efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.

The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, said that there are several focuses, one of which is dealing with asymptomatic people (OTG) who are undergoing self-isolation.

President Jokowi's son-in-law revealed that from the data he received, 82 percent of the exposed people were self-isolating.

"82 percent in our minds contributes to COVID-19. Because we find it difficult to control this self-isolation, that's why we make Isoter the solution", said Bobby Nasution, Monday, August 9.

In addition, Bobby Nasution said, his party has also mapped 5 sub-districts that will be the focus in suppressing the spread of COVID-19. These five sub-districts are the largest contributors to being exposed to COVID-19.

Bobby Nasution explained that the five sub-districts are Medan Selayang, Medan Helvetia, Medan Johor, Medan Sunggal and Medan Tuntungan.

"These 5 sub-districts have always been high contributors to COVID-19 in Medan City. We will limit their mobility", said Bobby Nasution.

For areas that carry out environmental isolation, Bobby asked that the implementation be carried out properly. Thus, the spike in COVID-19 cases in Medan City can be suppressed.

"We ask the environment that is conducting environmental isolation to update its standards, the command posts, whether it's the City Task Force to the sub-district, and sub-districts to be more active so that we can suppress COVID-19 cases in Medan City and get out of level 4", he concluded.

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