JAKARTA - Floods inundated four villages in East Seram Regency, Maluku. The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Seram Regency noted that floods occurred in Atiahu Village, Naiwel Ahinulin Village, Abuleta Village, and Sabuai Village.

Yus Pawae, the BPBD Emergency Head for Eastern Seram Regency, said that as many as 193 people were affected by the floods that have occurred since Friday, August 6.

"High-intensity rains and a poor drainage system have caused the Wayaiya, Waidala, Fos, and Abuleta rivers to overflow, causing flooding", Yus said in his statement, Monday, August 9.

Yus said that this flood caused a number of houses and public facilities to be submerged with water levels ranging from 50 to 70 cm, including 43 housing units, 1 Integrated Healthcare Center (posyandu), 1 Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) Agriculture Office, 1 Village Hall Building, 1 unit Santa Maria Catholic Church, and 1 unit of East Seram State High School 12 is submerged.

Even so, Yus conveyed that the current condition was reported that the flood had receded. "The current flood has been handled, and has receded", he said.

Yus added that emergency response efforts to anticipate subsequent flooding have been carried out by cleaning drainage channels and digging waterways to prevent overflowing water from entering residential areas.

"We have made efforts by deploying heavy equipment for cleaning and constructing waterways to prevent overflowing water from entering residential areas", said Yus.

In addition, the BPBD has also coordinated with the Maluku River Basin Center for further handling steps to seek to prepare initial mitigation measures and conduct verification in the field.

Based on the weather forecast issued by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) for the next three days from Monday, August 9 to Wednesday, August 11, Maluku Province is generally dominated by moderate to heavy rain conditions.

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