KALTARA - Governor of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) H Zainal A Paliwang assessed that the location for the construction of the Pesawan Port in Bulungan Regency in Sepunggur, Tanjung Buka Village, Tanjung Palas Tengah District was not feasible and had to be moved.

"The planned location of the port in Sepunggur, Tanjung Buka Village, Tanjung Palas Tengah District, is not yet feasible," said Governor H Zainal A Paliwang when contacted by media crews, reported by Antara, Thursday, August 5.

Governor H Zainal has directly inspected the construction site of the Pesawan Port on Wednesday, August 4 yesterday. The governor saw the harbor pier protruding into the river four meters long. Zainal asserts that if it is done then it is very unlikely.

"If you look at the picture and see directly the location, the Pesawan Port protrudes into the middle of the river about four meters, that's impossible," he said.

In addition, the water depth in the port is also not possible because it is around seven meters. At low tide the depth is only five meters.

"The condition is not yet at the lowest low tide, if the lowest tide is maybe only five meters left. So if I see it is inappropriate to build there. This is state money, don't waste it," said Zainal.

“This plan has been around for a long time. But before we make sure to get started, I have to first review the location. Because I don't want to just accept reports and pictures from staff," he said.

Zainal revealed that the new location that will be occupied to build the port is not far from the original place. The location is in Sei Menjuaring Salangketo, Tanjung Buka Village as well.

He admitted that he had checked the water depth in the planned new location was 14 meters plus the water current was quite calm. However, this matter will still be discussed together with regional apparatus organizations (OPD) and other relevant agencies.

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