MAKASSAR - The Makassar Port area has become a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination area with a target of 3,000 people as well as the provision of basic needs sourced from the SOE corporate social responsibility program.

President Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Prasetyadi in Makassar, Tuesday, said that the implementation of the Makassar Port area as a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination area has received support from the South Sulawesi Provincial Government, Lantamal VI, and all Makassar Port stakeholders.

The target for the COVID-19 vaccination is every agency that is a port stakeholder and service users at the Makassar Port.

"They are required to take vaccinations as a commitment to suppress the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia, especially at Makassar Port," he said, quoted by Antara, August 3.

The implementation of free vaccination with a target of 3,000 people, he continued, had already started on Wednesday, July 28, until the total target was achieved.

The vaccination is for truck drivers, online motorcycle taxi drivers, loading and unloading workers (TKBM), and port workers who will move or enter Makassar Port.

"To support this, this declaration was held as a statement of a strong and sincere commitment in carrying out vaccinations for the community, especially those who are active in Makassar Port," he said.

In this regard, the implementation of the vaccination of Makassar Port stakeholders cooperates with Lantamal VI and the Makassar KKP in providing vaccination sites at the port and to facilitate and make it easier for them to be vaccinated.

In addition to facilitating free vaccinations, Pelindo IV has also prepared 3,000 food packages which will be directly given to ojol, truck drivers, TKBM and port workers who have already vaccinated.

Prasetyadi said that this was the embodiment of SOE's social responsibility.

His party also felt the severity of the impact of the pandemic faced by some of the parties who had been supporting the smooth logistics and economic growth in the South Sulawesi region.

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