JAKARTA - Regional House of Representatives Commission IV of Subang Regency is paying serious attention as many residents of Subang Regency work as female workers (TKW) with illegal routes that lead to neglect in the destination country.

Chairman of Regional House of Representatives Commission IV of Subang Regency, Ujang Sumarna, said that many residents went abroad because of the urgent need to build houses, buy land, and rice fields.

Moreover, he continued, in the area of the residents there were already residents who went to work abroad and succeeded.

"Of course this is an example and trigger for other residents", he said.

That's why, he added, as soon as some sponsors and agents offer to go to work abroad free of charge, residents are immediately attracted.

"If you want to work abroad, residents should first come to the Manpower Office to check with the agent, whether or not they are registered with the Manpower Office", said Ujang.

This, said Ujang, so that if there is anything they can be held accountable.

"If it is not recorded, it means that the agent is not official", he said.

Ujang was surprised that sponsors and unofficial agents roamed the villages. They send working citizens abroad with a visit visa, not a work visa.

Of course, he continued, this is a serious concern because getting documents is not easy, especially at this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government prohibits sending workers abroad.

"I'm going to the head of the Manpower Office, I want to ask how can I escape abroad? I'm afraid there are personnel in the Manpower Office playing with sponsors, if it happens, we will not be silent", said Ujang.

Ujang also asked the Manpower and Transmigration Office of the Subang Regency to provide counseling and supervise villages.

One of the many TKW who departed illegally was Eliyah (29). The resident from Ciawitali Hamlet, Pusakaratu Village, Pusakanagara District, Subang Regency, is now abandoned in Dubai.

The wife of Acu Samsudin (40) was forced to eat and beg and drink tap water. Now, Eliyah is asking for help so she can return to the country.

The head of the Indonesian Advocacy Agency (BAI) for Subang Regency, Darman Sri Gandi, SH, said that Eliyah was an illegal female worker. She departed from the country, a month ago. Once in Dubai, Eliyah got an employer but she couldn't stand it because her employer was fierce.

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