MEDAN - The City Government (Pemko) of Medan, North Sumatra, has designated Medan Merdeka Square which has an area of about 4.8 hectares as a green open space.

"This is related to the decision of the Medan District Court Number 756/Pdt.G/2020/Medan District Court on the public's lawsuit demanding the responsibility of the Medan City Government", said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 29.

According to him, the Medan City Government failed to maintain and protect the historic Merdeka Square based on the Medan District Court judge's decision on Friday, July 16.

Bobby Nasution admitted that the revision of the Medan City Regional Regulation No. 13/2011 concerning the 2011-2013 Medan City Spatial Planning (RTRW) has changed the plan for the use of the Merdeka Square space.

"The Merdeka Square was previously designated as a non-green open space (RTNH) to become a green open space (RTH)", said Bobby.

In addition, Merdeka Square is part of the delineation of the Kesawan Medan area which has been designated as a cultural heritage area.

History records, Merdeka Square is a square in the city of Medan and is the zero point of its construction in 1872, along with the relocation of the Deli Sultanate and the business center of 13 plantation companies from Labuhan Deli to Medan City.

"In this area, the concept of structuring the Merdeka Square area will be updated in the building and environmental planning plan (RTBL) which is stipulated through the mayor's regulation", said Bobby Nasution.

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