JAKARTA - The National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit said that six of the dozens of suspects arrested were related to hoarding oxygen cylinders and selling COVID-19 therapeutic drugs above the Highest Retail Price (HET) using a certain mode, namely modification. They changed the canister of a Light Fire Extinguisher (APAR) into an oxygen cylinder.

"About oxygen cylinders or changing, selling, and trading of modified APAR tubes for sale as oxygen cylinders, we have identified 6 suspects", said Director of Special Economic Crimes, Brigadier General Helmy Santika to reporters, Wednesday, July 28.

The determination of the suspects against them, continued Helmy, was because the use of APAR tubes as oxygen cylinders was very dangerous. This is because the fire extinguisher tube contains CO2 which if not cleaned properly can have a negative impact on health.

"This is actually dangerous. Because the fire extinguisher or fire extinguisher is not designed for oxygen. We don't know how the tank is cleaned, it contains CO2 gas. For example, if it is filled with oxygen gas, if the cleaning is not good, it will endanger people," he said.

Then, these six suspects also sold the modified tube at a fairly high price. For one tube they charge millions of rupiah.

"For fire extinguishers (sold) between IDR 2-3 million. Meanwhile, IDR 700-900 thousand is the capital", said Helmy.

In this case, the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit arrested 37 suspects for hoarding oxygen cylinders and selling COVID-19 therapeutic drugs above the Highest Retail Price (HET). Dozens of suspects were the result of the disclosure of 33 cases.

"Bareksrim and the ranks of the regional police have so far taken action against 33 cases by naming 37 suspects", said Helmy Santika.

From the disclosure of dozens of cases, investigators confiscated various types of drugs that are often used for COVID-19 therapy. In addition, 48 oxygen cylinders were confiscated to be used as evidence.

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