JAKARTA - House of Representatives (DPR) Commission I member Saifullah Tamliha asked the Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo to immediately order the Air Force Puspom to investigate two members of the Air Force Military Police who are suspected of trampling on civilians with disabilities in Merauke, Papua.

If it is proven that the two Air Force (TNI AU) soldiers committed acts of violence, Tamliha said, they must be given firm action in the form of dismissal.

"If it is true that an Air Force officer wearing a Military Police (PM) outfit did this, the Air Force Chief of Staff should immediately order the Air Force Puspom to conduct an investigation", Tamliha told reporters, Wednesday, July 28.

"And if it is proven true at the Military Court, it is better to be fired from the National Armed Force (TNI) and given a commensurate punishment", he continued.

According to Tamliha, the act of violence was inappropriate and not in accordance with the Sapta Marga Prajurit. Also not in accordance with what General Sudirman said that the people are the birth mother of the TNI.

"According to the Great Commander Sudirman, that the people are the birth mother of the TNI and do not let him step on his own mother", explained the PPP Party politician.

Tamliha gave an example, the Army Chief of Staff TNI (KSAD) General TNI Andhika Perkasa took decisive action, who fired and punished members of the TNI AD for attacking the Ciracas Police Sector last year.

"And provide compensation to MSME merchants along 8 KM who were messed with by some elements of the TNI AD", said Tamliha.

Previously, in a viral video, two TNI officers were seen twisting and dropping a man to the ground. Then another member stepped on the civilian's head.

It was later discovered that the two individuals were members of the Indonesian Air Force Military Police, while the man being stepped on was a civil society member with a disability in Merauke, Papua.

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