JAKARTA - Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 and Ambassador for Behavior Change Dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro said it was important for parents to communicate COVID-19 vaccination activities to their children. "My advice is also to communicate this good vaccination to children. can add protection for children, then also accompany children when they go to the vaccination site," said Reisa as quoted by Antara, Monday, July 26. Reisa said parents must give reasons for the importance of vaccination as a form of self-protection from the dangers of COVID-19.

He also said, parents also need to communicate to their children, regarding the current COVID-19 pandemic. "So explain why children should stay at home first, being able to tell them in simple language that they can understand. Of course it's age-appropriate. their own children,” continued Reisa.

Regarding vaccines being safe or not, Reisa emphasized that giving vaccines to children aged 12 to 17 years is proven safe, because they have received approval from experts and the authorities.

"Well, this vaccination is an effort to protect ourselves by implementing health protocols, either before or after being vaccinated. Vaccination for children aged 12 to 17 years is the same as vaccines for parents. So this vaccine has been guaranteed safety by the authorized agency, already based on the recommendations of experts too,” said Reisa.

He emphasized that the recommended vaccine to be given to children is the Sinovac vaccine with a dose of 0.05 ml. Vaccination activities must be carried out twice with a minimum interval of 28 days.

"But if, for example, children have congenital diseases or certain comorbidities, consult with their personal doctors whether they can be vaccinated or not, or ask for a vaccine recommendation letter to be more sure," said Reisa when explaining whether children who have diseases can be vaccinated or not.

For parents who want to know where to get the vaccine, Reisa said they can view the information on the www.covid19.go.id/faskesvaksin page and see local social media.

"There will be a schedule there and you can register online. The goal is to be registered, you don't have to come there, crowd, and wait a long time," said Reisa.

Reisa hopes that parents can take advantage of the opportunity to provide vaccines from the government to break the chain of spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

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