JAKARTA - The Metro Jaya Regional Police summoned I Gede Aryastina alias Jerix for clarification on the alleged threat of violence to Adam Deni, Monday, July 26.

However, the drummer for Superman Is Dead (SID) cannot be sure whether he will fulfill the call or not. Because, until now there has been no confirmation from the person concerned.

"The usual invitation is at 10," said the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus to VOI, Monday, July 26.

However, it is hoped that Jerinx will come and give his statement to make this case clear. "We invite clarification first, hopefully, they will attend," he said. This case began when Adam Deni reported the incident to the police. Namely, Adam allegedly received threats from Jerink. The threat was because Adam was considered the cause of the loss of Jerinx's Instagram account.

Initially, Adam wrote a comment on the account. He questioned the data regarding artists who were endorsed by COVID-19 to Jerinx. This is because the SID drummer often mentions that many artists have announced that they have contracted COVID-19 because they are endorsed.

Several times Jerinx replied to Adam's comment. But shortly thereafter, his Instagram account disappeared, on July 2nd. Until finally, Jerinx contacted Adam and accused him of the cause of it all.

Not accepting the threats and insults, Adam and his team of lawyers agreed to take the matter to court. Jerinx was also reported to the Polda Metro Jaya, on Saturday, July 10.

Although Jerinx is said to have apologized and said his actions were carried away by emotions because his Instagram account was lost, Adam would still continue the case.

Jerinx was reported under Article 335 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 29 in conjunction with Article 45B of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 an amendment to Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE.

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