JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has asked local governments to follow up on information on early warnings of potential forest and land fires (karhutla).

This is because, based on data from the Directorate of Land and Forest Fire Control, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) recorded the temporary accumulation of forest and land fires from January 1 to June 30, 2021, covering an area of 52,479 hectares.

"The area of karthula in this period is higher than the area of forest and land fires in the same period in 2020," said Plt. Head of BNPB Disaster Data and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in his statement, Saturday, July 24.

It is noted that the area of Karthula from January to June 2021 is 43,882. That means, from January to June 2021, there will be an additional accumulation of land and forest fires by 8,597 hectares or 16.3 percent compared to the same period in 2020.

Abdul Muhari explained that the area of forest and land burned in the period January 1 to June 30, 2021 was dominated by the burning of mineral lands, which was 33,313 hectares, while the rest was on peatlands.

The five highest areas identified for karthula on mineral land are East Nusa Tenggara Province with 13,131 hectares, West Nusa Tenggara 5,762, West Kalimantan 3,174, Riau Islands 1,490 and Papua 1,428.

Meanwhile, the five highest areas of forest and land fires on peatlands are West Kalimantan with 11,570 hectares, Riau 6,156, Central Kalimantan 530, Aceh 304 and North Sumatra 286.

"In the period of June 2021, the karthula of mineral lands is still higher than that of peatlands. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry recorded a temporary recapitulation of the area of karthula for the period of June 1 – 30, 2021, covering an area of 17,661 hectares, with details of forest fires on mineral lands of 17,375 hectares and peat 286," he explained.

Based on information from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), parts of Indonesia have the potential to experience a Low Rainfall Index (CH < 100 mm) from August to October 2021.

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