JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya continues to apply the same insulation scheme during the PPKM level 4. At least, there are 100 isolation points in the Jakarta area and its surroundings.

"It's still the same (the isolation scheme) as before. There have been no changes," said Director of Traffic and Traffic of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo in his statement, Thursday, July 22.

The implementation of this blocking scheme will continue until there is a new policy from the government. Thus, by continuing to implement the scheme, people's mobility remains under control.

"We will continue to carry out the partition, while waiting for the development of government policies on July 26," said Sambodo.

Meanwhile, when he was asked about the easing of the points by gradually opening the partition points on July 26, Sambodo could not confirm yet. He said all would follow the government's decision.

"Waiting for government policies and the results of the study later," said Sambodo.

For information, the government changed the term for the Implementation of the Java-Bali Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) to PPKM Level 3-4.

This PPKM Level rule contains provisions for traveling conditions for the community, both using private vehicles and public transportation.

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