JAKARTA - West Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit officers collected a fine of IDR 44,150,000 from the results of taking action against violations during the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) from 3-20 July 2021.

Head of the West Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit, Tamo Sijabat, detailed that as much as IDR 20,650,000 was obtained from taking action against residents who did not wear masks.

Meanwhile, IDR 3,500,000 is the total fine resulting from the crackdown on restaurants and street vendors who are still trading.

Furthermore, a fine of IDR 10,000,000 from the prosecution of non-essential and critical offices who were fined for their activities during Emergency PPKM. Finally, there is an action against other places of business which are also worth IDR 10,000,000.

Tamo said the action was carried out in eight sub-districts in West Jakarta.

Residents who do not wear masks on the road are also acknowledged by Tamo as to the most violators during the action during Emergency PPKM.

"Most of the individuals who do not wear masks are in residential areas," said Tamo, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 21.

Later, the fine will be deposited to the Regional Retribution Receipt Agency of DKI Jakarta Province.

Tamo ensured that as long as PPKM continues until July 25, his party will actively take action to prevent crowds in the community.

"I also hope that the community obeys the health protocol for good and health", he said.

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