JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman Mokhammad Najih said the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) showed incompetence in the process of transferring the status of employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) through the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK).

This is indicated by the presence of a number of maladministration in the process of transferring the employment status.

"It is very clear that we have shown that there is incompetence by BKN. It turns out that BKN has so far had regulations relating to the transfer of non-ASN employees to no regulation," said Najih in a press conference to deliver the final results of the examination of KPK employee complaints which was broadcast online, Wednesday, 21 July.

In addition, the Ombudsman also mentioned that BKN does not have definite benchmarks for assessing the assessments carried out.

In the TWK process, BKN is also considered unable to transfer employment status and cooperates with other institutions that are not in accordance with regulations. In fact, this agency actually uses the selection process owned by the Army which is certainly not in accordance with the process of transferring the status of KPK employees.

"He carried out the assessment by cooperating with assessors from other institutions, of course there was no regulatory basis in the context of the transition. Meanwhile, what was used as the legal basis for this transition was the legal basis used by the TNI," said Najih.

Complementing it, RI Ombudsman member Robert Na Endi Jaweng said that if BKN did not have the competence and invited other institutions, this would then have to be submitted to the KPK. Moreover, the anti-corruption commission is the party that asks the agency to carry out the assessment.

Other institutions participating in the TWK process for KPK employees are the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS TNI), the Army Intelligence Center, the Army Psychology Service, and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT).

"So it must be submitted later," said Robert.

He also said that BKN did not have a copy of the TNI Commander's decision document as the basis for the TWK implementation process and this made it difficult for them to ascertain the qualifications of employees.

"In this series of processes, BKN then only becomes an observer, only a monitor. Meanwhile, the implementers of the TWK assessment in the end are assessors from five institutions," he concluded.

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