JAKARTA - The office of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) caught fire on Sunday, July 18. However, the exact cause of the fire is not yet known.

So far, the information obtained is that the fire started to burn the 1st floor of the West F building of BPOM Jakarta at around 21.30 WIB. It took 30 minutes to extinguish the flames.

In addition, before the fire occurred, a number of officers were working on rejuvenating the electrical panels in one of the rooms.

Thus, various allegations developed, ranging from electrical short circuit to worker negligence.

The Johar Baru Police Chief, Kompol Edison, said that during the investigation process, his party had examined 5 witnesses. They are workers who rejuvenate electrical panels.

"Last night, we had a police line, we examined 5 witnesses. From the workers' side, there were workers," said Edison.

Examination of them to confirm the growing suspicion. In addition, they were also in the vicinity of the scene when the fire broke out.

However, until now the cause has not been determined. The reason is that all the information and instructions that have been obtained will be developed first.

"We are still developing it," he said.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Wisnu Wardana, added that in investigating the cause of the fire, the police also dispatched a team from the Forensic Laboratory. Processing of the crime scene (TKP) until the collection of the rest of the fire has been carried out.

"Samples of burning charcoal at the location suspected to be the source of the fire. Then some electrical equipment," said Wisnu.

With the collection of information and instructions, it is now only a matter of waiting for the results of the investigation from the Forensic Center. From the results of the investigation, it can be ascertained the cause of the fire at the BPOM office.

"We are waiting for the results of this Labfor, because we can't make guesses," said Vishnu.

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