JAKARTA - The implementation of Eid al-Adha prayers around the Presidential Palace in the Afghan capital was marred by attacks. A rocket hit the area. Local media reported that the mastermind behind the attack was not yet known.

Three rockets landed in front of the Presidential Palace, said Interior Ministry spokesman Mirwais Stanekzai. He also said there were no reports of injuries.

Television footage showed a rocket attack disrupting Eid prayers at the palace complex attended by President Ashraf Ghani. Nevertheless, the prayers continued solemnly in the midst of the sound of explosions.

President Ghani then delivered a speech from outside the podium, according to local media broadcasts. Security in Afghanistan is getting worse.

Much of it has been fueled by fighting in the provinces as foreign forces withdrew and the Taliban launched a massive offensive, capturing territory and crossing the border.

Unlike in previous years, the Taliban did not declare a ceasefire during this year's Eid holiday.

On Monday 15 diplomatic missions and NATO representatives in Kabul called on the Taliban to halt attacks, just hours after the group and the Afghan government failed to reach a ceasefire in talks in Doha.

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