JAKARTA - The ambulance involved in an accident with a motorbike in Kudus is carrying a critical COVID-19 patient and needs immediate treatment. This was conveyed by the Head of Laka Police Traffic Unit Kudus, Ipda Firman Abid Prasetya.

He said that the ambulance did not stop at the time of the accident. However, after delivering a critical patient, the driver and ambulance turned themselves in.

"The person concerned gave himself up by bringing the vehicle to the Traffic Laka Unit without any resistance", said Ipda Firman, quoted by Antara, Monday, July 19.

The chronology of the accident involving the ambulance at the Baagil intersection in Demaan Village, Kota Kudus District, said Kanit Laka, began when the Innova ambulance with the number K-8916-K on Sunday, July 18 at around 06.30 WIB, was traveling from west to east with the siren on.

He explained that the ambulance broke through the red traffic light by turning on the siren due to an incidental vehicle and carrying a critical corona patient.

At the same time, a Honda Vario motorcycle with the police number K-4675-KR was driven by Jumanto (37) from Kaliputu Village, Kudus City District, traveling from north to south with his wife and child, caused a collision.

As a result of the accident, the passenger named Ratna suffered abrasions to her right temple and was treated as an outpatient at the Kudus Hospital, while her child suffered abrasions and was hospitalized at the same hospital.

She reiterated that the ambulance driver did not immediately intend to run and leave the scene. However, at that time he was carrying a critical patient who had to be helped.

Meanwhile, Lazismu Kudus Manager Abdul Latif Muhtadin said that the ambulance driver had no intention of escaping because at the time of the incident he was bringing a critical patient to be immediately taken to the Kudus Aisyiyah Hospital to be treated quickly because his oxygen saturation had decreased.

"After delivering the patient from Mlonggo, Jepara Regency to the hospital in Kudus, he immediately surrendered himself to the Laka Traffic Unit. We also made peace and have stayed in touch with the victim's house. The victim's family was also given a love cord for medical expenses", he said.

The ambulance driver, said Abdul Latif Muhtadin, also tried to turn the steering wheel to the right to avoid a collision. However, accidents still happen.

Meanwhile, the patient who was transported by ambulance at the time of the incident, on Monday, July 19, died.

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