JAKARTA - Britain's chief spy and main domestic security agency (MI5) Ken McCallum has warned the country's citizens to be on the lookout for threats from Chinese and Russian spies such as those with terrorism.
The warning also includes anticipation of foreign spies trying to steal technology, sow discord and attack the infrastructure of the Land of the Three Lions.
The 9/11 terror attacks in the United States nearly 20 years ago, made countering terrorism the biggest priority for Western intelligence agencies, with large resources focused on threats from both homegrown and foreign-based militants.
However, the growing assertiveness of post-Soviet Russia and the rise of China have forced the West's most powerful spymasters to return their focus to ancient counterintelligence, or spies tackling other spies in a constant game of 'cat and mouse'.
Director General of the Security Service (MI5) Ken McCallum said British intelligence had recorded 10,000 covert approaches by foreign spies seeking to manipulate ordinary people in Britain.

The consequences of spying by foreign powers can range from frustration and discomfort, through loss of livelihood, potentially to loss of life, McCallum said in a speech at Thames House, MI5's London headquarters.
"We must, over time, build the same public awareness and resilience against the state threats we have made over the years against terrorism. You have nothing to fear," McCallum said in excerpts of his speech released by MI5. July.
British spies say China and Russia are each trying to steal sensitive commercial data and intellectual property, as well as meddling in politics and sowing misinformation.
Beijing and Moscow say the West is gripped by paranoia about the plot. Both Russia and China deny that they meddle abroad, seek to steal technology, carry out cyberattacks, or sow discord.
McCallum, a career spy, said the entire country should be on guard against the threat of foreign spies.
"We are seeing brilliant UK universities and researchers have their inventions stolen or copied, we are seeing businesses hollowed out by the loss of the profits they have worked so hard to build."
"Given half a chance, hostile actors will cut short years of patient research or British investment. This is happening on a massive scale. And it affects all of us. Jobs in Britain, British public service, the future of Britain."
To note, MI5 began as a 1909 counter-intelligence service, focusing first on threats from Germany and then, after the Second World War, focusing on the Cold War threat posed by Soviet Union agents.
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