JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo held a virtual joint prayer with the headline #PRAYFROMHOME with Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, representatives of ministries and institutions, a number of religious leaders, to the public.

In this event, Jokowi said that currently Indonesia and people around the world are still struggling to be free from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The spread of the virus is still happening, the government cannot work alone, cannot solve this problem alone, all parties must collaborate, we must work together to help each other, work together to overcome this formidable test", Jokowi said in the Presidential Secretariat's Youtube video, Sunday, July 11.

Jokowi invites all elements of society to offer prayers, asking God for help so that the whole world is quickly recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In addition to making efforts with various outward efforts, we are also obliged to make inner efforts, praying for the help of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala so that our burden is lightened, so that the people of the nation and the country, as well as the world, will soon be free from the pandemic", he said.

Furthermore, Jokowi conveyed his deep condolences to all the victims of the pandemic who had died. He invites us to pray for those who have passed away to the Almighty.

"We also pray that all our brothers and sisters who have been exposed to COVID-19 will be given a speedy recovery. From each other's homes, let us bow our heads, observe a moment of silence, pray from our homes and strive for the end of this pandemic test", said Jokowi.

Before closing his remarks, Jokowi asked all residents to convince their family and closest environment to stay at home.

"Overcoming the COVID-19 issue is our national ijtihad today because it aims to save our lives and our common benefit. May God protect the Indonesian nation and make this nation safe, advanced, and prosperous. Amen", said Jokowi closing his prayer.

Furthermore, religious leaders say prayers one by one according to their respective religions. Representatives of these religions include Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

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