MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said his party was collaborating with the Sumatra (North) Provincial Government in handling COVID-19. Bobby Nasution and Governor Edy are now anticipating a surge in new cases of COVID-19.

"The Medan City Government is collaborating with the North Sumatra Provincial Government, and Forkopimda has prepared 4,112 beds for residents exposed to the COVID-19 virus," said Bobby Nasution, Friday, July 9.

Bobby Nasution said that his party is preparing to anticipate the handling of the increasing number of COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant.

“By preparing a place, health personnel, and logistics for the needs of the exposed residents. In line with this, this afternoon I attended the coordination meeting on the evaluation of the implementation of the Micro PPKM which was tightened which was led directly by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Mr. Airlangga Hartarto, "he said.

"I appeal to the people of Medan City to comply with the policies that have been set, so that the condition of our city can quickly recover from the COVID-19 virus pandemic," he continued.

Emergency PPKM Field, Governor Edy Help Bobby Bantu

Emergency PPKM will be implemented in Medan City starting Monday, July 12. The emergency PPKM is valid until July 20.

North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi, after a virtual meeting with Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto and Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, said the implementation of emergency PPKM was awaiting approval from the central government.

"For that there is a special action, which will later be issued from Jakarta, to carry out an emergency called PPKM. The plan is already in the governor's letter, a follow-up from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Edy, Friday, July 9th.

This step, said Governor Edy, was taken to anticipate the spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus. This is because the delta variant corona is said to spread more quickly.

"To anticipate this, why did he, because of the spread of COVID-19, the delta variant has a 1000:1 comparison with the Wuhan variant yesterday," said Governor Edy.

He emphasized that this emergency PPKM was only applied in the city of Medan. In its implementation, several restrictions will be imposed in Medan.

"It is not allowed to do takbir around the Eid and there will be no congregational prayers. The two jobs are only 25 percent," he said.

To anticipate the surge in COVID-19 cases, Governor Edy will increase the availability of beds in Medan. Currently, there are 4,112 occupied beds and it is expected to jump to 5,000.

"If that happens, it means we are less than 900, we are preparing this," he said.

In addition, his party will also coordinate with regencies/cities that are neighbors to Medan. Because, according to him, Medan's status as the provincial capital will create a buildup of people from outside the region

"Because Medan is the capital city, there are 5 gates that we are jointly monitoring. We will inform neighboring regencies/cities to do it together, reminding the public not to build up in Medan, until July 20. That is what was planned," said North Sumatra Governor Edy.

Coordination will also be carried out with the police for emergency PPKM supervision. The governor emphasized that the number of workers who entered the office was only allowed a maximum of 25 percent.

"We will emphasize the leadership, companies, offices that we must remind again, apply WFH," said Governor Edy.

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