JAKARTA - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the I Ngurah Rai Special Class I Immigration Office processed the deportation of three Caucasians in Bali for violating the health protocol in Bali.

"Our focus is on targeting foreigners who violate health protocols, most of which are found by foreigners while riding motorbikes", said Head of Public Relations and General Affairs of the Directorate General of Immigration, Arya Pradhana Anggakara, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 9.

The three foreigners who were processed were MR (26) male from Ireland, AA (22) female from the United States, and ZK (26) female citizen of Russia.

The three foreigners were secured by joint officers in an operation to justify the implementation of the Emergency-Restrictions Community Activity (PPKM) in the North Kuta District, Bali.

During the operation, officers found 14 foreigners who violated health protocols, such as not wearing a mask when outside the house. Violators are immediately subject to action, either verbal warnings, fines, or further examination by officers.

Among the violators were three foreigners who were recommended to be deported, because they did not wear masks at all, and the rest were subject to a fine of IDR 1 million for not wearing masks properly.

"We have examined the three foreigners on Friday and are waiting for the deportation process", said Angga.

I Ngurah Rai Special Class I Immigration Office officers can take action against foreigners who violate health protocols, after being found guilty by the Bali Civil Service Police Unit.

In carrying out the judicial operation, joint officers consisting of the Bali Kemenkumham Regional Office, Bali Civil Service Police Unit, and Kodim 1611/Badung scattered to locations where foreigners could potentially violate health protocols.

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