JAKARTA - The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) of Surabaya City revealed that as many as 212 doctors in the local area were confirmed positive for COVID-19 since the emergence of the coronavirus case in early 2020.

"So far, doctors in Surabaya have served as well as possible. However, the capacity of the workforce is not proportional to the soaring cases, so that the service is not optimal. So that health workers fall down one by one," said Chairman of IDI Surabaya City, Dr. dr. Brahmin Askandar Tjokroprawiro Sp.OG K-Onk in Surabaya, reported by Antara, Thursday, July 8.

The number, he added, is only doctors, not including the Specialist Doctors Education Program (PPDS), nurses, rehearsal staff, and others.

In addition, he said that the hospital conditions in Surabaya were currently full and patients came stuck in the emergency unit (ER) every day.

The addition of hospital capacity, he said, is always done, but it becomes a tough job if you have to add health workers.

Dr. Brahmins view current conditions as leaking roofs and doctors as cleaning the floors.

"As long as the leaking roof is not suppressed, the number of cases continues to explode, no matter how much effort is added to clean the floor, the floor will never be clean," he said.

He asked the public to continue to comply with health protocols and wholeheartedly comply with the implementation of the government's emergency community activity restriction (PPKM).

"Not leaving the house if it is not needed, it is hoped that the spread of COVID-19 will be suppressed," said the man who is also the head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University (Unair).

Meanwhile, a student of PPDS 1 Obstetrics and Gynecology FK Unair - RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, dr. Aliy Akbar Al Busani passed away today.

He breathed his last at 08.12 western Indonesia time in the Special Intensive Room (RIK 1) RSUD Dr Soetomo Surabaya after battling COVID-19.

Doctor Aliy is a PPDS Obgin FK Unair class of 2019, and is currently taking PPDS 1 and entering semester 5.

Vice Chancellor for Internationalization, Digitization and Information Unair, dr. Miftahussurur said the death of the PPDS student was a deep blow for the university, especially the Faculty of Medicine.

"Unair again lost one of its servants who always contributed to research and health services. We give the highest appreciation and thank you profusely for his contribution to Unair during his education," he said.

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