JAKARTA - Floods and landslides hit three regencies in South Sulawesi province, namely Jeneponto Regency, Sinjai Regency, and Bantaeng Regency.

Plt. Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said this disaster resulted in the death of a resident in Tarowang District, Jeneponto.

"The flooding that occurred in Jeneponto Regency was triggered by high-intensity rain that flushed the area on Wednesday, July 7 at 02.00 WITA. The flood water level (TMA) was reported to be in the range of 50-200 centimeters," said Muhari in his statement, Thursday, 8 July.

Floods in Jeneponto Regency caused damage in a number of sub-districts. Among them, 13 houses were heavily damaged, 43 houses were slightly damaged and five government offices starting from health services, education and the Tarowang District UPTD were submerged.

Then in Binamu Subdistrict, at least 26 houses that are included in the administrative area of Balang Toa Village and 15 houses in Balang Village were flooded.

Furthermore, in Arungkeke District, there were 10 houses that were heavily damaged due to the flood. Meanwhile, 30 houses were reported to be lightly damaged.

Next, three housing units were reported to be heavily damaged and eight others were lightly damaged due to being affected by floods in Batang District.

"In this case, according to a report from the Jeneponto Regency BPBD Pusdalops Team, Rahim, the flooding in some areas has gradually receded," said Muhari.

Meanwhile in Sinjai Regency, at least four villages in North Sinjai District and one village in North Sinjai District were affected by floods and landslides triggered by the high intensity of rain on Thursday at 03.00 WITA.

"The areas affected by the disaster include Biringere Village, Balangnipa Village, Bongki Village and Lappa Village in North Sinjau District, then Panaikang Village in North Sinjau District. At least eight families were forced to evacuate," he explained.

Then in Bantaeng District, floods hit four villages in Bantaeng District, three villages in Bissappu District, and one village in Pajukukang District, with a TMA of 50 centimeters.

"From the affected areas, the Bantaeng Regency BPBD recorded approximately 1,000 houses inhabited by 1,000 families or 5000 people affected by the flood. This number is still in the data collection process," he added.

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