JAKARTA - Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan stated that the number of COVID-19 transmission cases in the area was decreasing based on daily reports in the field, the impact of reduced activity since the implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM).

"Cases dropped, yesterday (Monday) 270, now 175 (cases)," said Rudy Gunawan to reporters in Garut, West Java, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 6.

He said a few days earlier the number of confirmed cases of positive COVID-19 had spiked quite high, even reaching 400 cases, including cases of patients who died. "There has also been a decline in the number of deaths," said the Regent.

Rudy said that since the Emergency PPKM cases of COVID-19 transmission began to decline. For this reason, PPKM must continue to be implemented as an effort to maintain joint health and safety from this epidemic. "The government is not wrong, this (PPKM) is the best for all of us," he said.

He conveyed that the decreasing impact of the restrictions on community activities made all officers of the joint COVID-19 Task Force continue to move to ensure the implementation of PPKM runs according to regulations.

Officers in the field, he said, will take strict action against anyone who violates the health protocol and the Emergency PPKM by giving a warning, closing the place, or a fine. "We will act decisively," he said.

Meanwhile, the Garut COVID-19 Handling Task Force report on Sunday (4/7) positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 reached 234 cases, the following day it was reported to have fallen to 177 cases.

Overall, since the COVID-19 emergency was declared, cases in Garut have reached 19,817, consisting of 3,645 cases of self-isolation, 544 cases of isolation in hospitals, 14,742 cases declared cured, and 886 cases died.

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