BANYUWANGI - Deputy Regent of Banyuwangi, Sugirah, was confirmed positive for COVID-19. Now he is in self-isolation at his official residence, Letkol Istiqlah Street, Banyuwangi, East Java.

"I had a general check at the Blambangan Hospital from 11 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. earlier. My condition is healthy, my heart and lungs are healthy. I eat well because I was exposed to self-isolation", said Sugirah when contacted, Tuesday, July 6.

Sugirah admitted that even though he was positive for COVID-19, he had no symptoms. He was exposed after one of the employees at the secretariat was confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"Yesterday at the secretariat there was a confirmed COVID-19, in the end, all of my swabs turned out to be positive", he said.

Sugirah advised residents in Banyuwangi to continue to carry out strict health protocols, avoid crowds, and comply with Emergency Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) rules.

"I myself have been vaccinated twice, the health procedures have not been abandoned. Don't ignore the health procedures, avoid crowds, keep your distance, and this PPKM is obeyed", he said.

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