JAKARTA - Telegram founder Pavel Durov reaffirmed his platform's commitment to free speech, which has been one of Telegram's main values from the start.

In a statement on his Telegram channel, Durov said he was proud of Telegram, which has been consistent in supporting freedom of speech, even during the US elections.

"I am proud that Telegram has supported free speech long before it became politically safe. Our values do not depend on the US election cycle," he said.

Durov also highlighted the steps of several other social media platforms that began to reduce their censorship. However, according to him, the consistency of these values will be tested when the political situation changes.

Currently, other platforms are announcing that they will reduce censorship. However, the real test of the values they just discovered will come after the political wind changes again. It's easy to say you support something when you don't take any risks," he said.

Thus, Durov's statement underscores Telegram's commitment to remain a digital space free from political influence or temporary pressure.

Recently, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has just announced the company's big move to restore their focus on freedom of expression on the Facebook, Instagram, and Threads platforms.

In a video, Zuck says it will change their fact checker system to Community Notes like X's, simplifying content policies related to sensitive issues, to restoring political content on its platform.

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