JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, confirmed that the National Police would implement a new scheme at the isolation point during the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

The new rules use signs and the use of work permits. The reason is that from the results of the evaluation of the implementation of PPKM, the community does not understand the essential and critical sectors so that there are crowds at the isolation points.

"So we convey to all ranks to make some kind of warning signs", said General Sigit at the Java-Bali PPKM virtual press conference, Monday, July 5.

"So we make signs starting at a distance of 1 kilometer, then 500 meters, and 200 meters whose contents are so that people who pass by then prepare the document requirements", he continued.

In its application, people who can submit a work permit can go through the blocking point. Meanwhile, for those who do not have forced to be turned back.

"If they can show that they have a certificate of employment in critical or essential sectors then they will be released. But if they can't show it then we have to turn it around because the function of this PPKM is to limit mobility", said the National Police Chief.

While waiting for the issuance of work permits, continued General Sigit, his party only allowed certain categories of people to pass through the partition point. In addition to health workers, people who carry logistics and Gojek who deliver goods can pass through the blocking point.

"So we decided earlier that specifically for health workers or sectors related to hospital problems, we passed. Then those related to logistics, food, drinks, daily necessities, it passed, sir. Then Gojek was ok because they served to take away and maybe we give other things a chance to pass", he said.

The National Police Chief said the blocking scheme would start from the sub-district border and ahead of inter-district crossings.

"In the meantime, we apply it while waiting for a clear certificate. So that polemics in the field and crowds in the field can be anticipated", said General Sigit.

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