JAKARTA - A total of 1,169 residents of Depok, West Java have tested positive for COVID-19. This brings the total number of Depok residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 to 64,177.

"The high positive number in Depok makes us always remind the public to apply Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS). By maintaining a healthy diet, exercising and getting enough rest, and staying at home if there is no urgent need", said Depok City COVID-19 Task Force spokesman, Dadang Wihana in Depok, as reported by Antara, Sunday, July 4.

He said referring to the Depok City COVID-19 Task Force data, the number of patients recovering every day also continues to grow. With the addition of 278 people, the total recovered patients reached 52,487.

While active confirmed cases reached 883 people to 10,554 people. There are 255 active suspected cases and 3,572 active close contact cases.

In the data, it was also stated that there were 8 additional cases of patients who died, bringing the total number of people who died from COVID-19 to 1,136.

Then, there are also 17 active probable patients who are suspected cases with severe ARI, respiratory failure or death with a convincing clinical picture of COVID-19 and there are no RT-PCR laboratory results.

Dadang also explained the results of the whole genome sequencing (WGS) at the LIPI Laboratory, from 10 specimens of Depok residents that were examined, all of them were positive for COVID-19, the Delta B.1617.2 variant.

"Currently, there has been a very high increase in COVID-19 cases in the last three weeks, with a positive rate of 42.23 percent and an impact on the occupancy rate of ICU beds and isolation in hospitals to above 95 percent", he said.

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